
2015 Kamerlingh Onnes Prize winner:  

Gilbert Lonzarich for visionary experiments concerning the emergence of superconductivity among strongly renormalized quasiparticles at the edge of magnetic order.

2015 Prize Committee
Chair: Gabriel Aeppli 

Aharon Kapitulnik
George Sawatzky 
Teun Klapwijk 
Shin-Ichi Uchida 

2015 Bernd T. Matthias Prize winners:

Professor Xianhui Chen of the University of Science and Technology of China for his discovery of (Li,Fe)OHFe(Se,S), Ybx(Me)yHfNCl (Me= NH3 and THF), and doped phenanthrene, broadening the material base for superconducting studies.
Professor Zachary Fisk of the University of California Irvine for the discovery of UBe13, UPt3, ThCoC2 and LaRhSi3, for unraveling the roles of heavy fermions and non-centrosymmetry in superconductivity.
Professor Zhongxian Zhao of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, for the discovery of RE(O,F) and (RE)O1-xFeAs (RE = rare earth) with a Tc up to 55 K, demonstrating the limit of Tc in bulk Fe-based superconductors.

2015 Prize Committee
Chair: Paul C.W. Chu 

Ivan Bozovic
Guy Deutscher
Hideo Hosono
Hai-Hu Wen

2015 John Bardeen Prize Winner:

Dr. Vinay Ambegaokar, Goldwin Smith Professor of Physics Emeritus at Cornell University for his contributions to the statics, dynamics and kinetics of Josephson junctions and nanowires.

2015 Prize Committee
Chair: Anthony J. Leggett
A.F.  Andreev
S.A. Kivelson
N. Nagaosa
N-P. Ong

2015 M2S Best Poster Awards:

Presenting author: Yingying Peng– Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Poster Title:
 Magnetic excitations and phonons simultaneously studied by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in optimally doped Bi1.5Pb0.55Sr1.6La0.4CuO6+?
Co-authors: Yingying Peng, Makoto Hashimoto, Marco Moretti Sala, Andrea Amorese, Nick Brookes, Greta Dellea, Weisheng Lee, Matteo Minola, Thorsten Schmitt, Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Kejin Zhou, Hiroshi Eisaki, Tom Devereaux, Zhixun Shen, Lucio Braicovich, Giacomo Ghiringhelli

Presenting author: Koshi Kurashima– Tohoku University, Japan
Poster Title:
 Possible development of ferromagnetic fluctuations in the heavily overdoped Bi-2201 Cuprates
Co-authors: Tadashi Adachi, Kensuke M. Suzuki, Yasushi Fukunaga, Takayuki Kawamata, Takashi Noji, Isao Watanabe, Masanori Miyazaki, Akihiro Koda, Ryosuke Kadono, Yoji Koike

Presenting author: Lan Maria Tran– Polish Academy of Science, Poland
Poster Title:
 Influence of the canted antiferromagnetic structure on the orbital pair breaking effect in Ca and Co-doped EuFe2As2 compounds
Co-authors: Alain Cusson, Arsen Goukassov, Artur B?achowski, Krzysztof Ruebenbauer, Jan ?ukrowski, Kamila Kom?dera, Zbigniew Bukowski, Vinh Hung Tran, Andrzej Janusz Zaleski

Presenting author: Mareike Hoyer– Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Poster Title:
 Pair-breaking due to orbital magnetism in iron-based Superconductors
Co-authors: Mathias S. Scheurer, Sergey V. Syzranov, Jorg Schmalian

2015 M2S Poster Award Committee:
Chairs: Manfred Sigrist, Dirk van der Marel 
Yoshi Maeno, Marco Grilli, Ming Shi, Didier Jaccard, Zach Fisk, Dionys Baeriswyl, Bertram Batlogg, Felix Baumberger, Laura Greene, Jorg Schmalian, Rolf Lortz, Carmine Senatore, Marcin Konczykowski, Tord Claeson, Peter Johnson, Dirk Manske